Jan 23, 2008

Weekend Getaway to Chicago

So Jarrod is finally home yay! Ever since he has been gone we have been planning a trip to Chicago. So on Friday Me, Jarrod, his sister Allison, and her friend Jen left for Chicago. We were all very excited for the Cheesecake factory and I was equally excited for the container store (I saw it on Oprah)

I Love Cheesecake!! I had oreo by the way and it was extremely amazing
He's back to being his noraml self
This is at Giradano's Pizza. Jarrod saw it on the travel channel as the best pizza. It was amazing!!!!
Anyway We really didn't get much shopping done because it was sooo cold. Below Zero. My legs were numb from walking just a little. When I go back I'm definitely going in the summer.
So we left Chicago on Sunday and we were getting pretty hungry so the GPS Pam navigated us way out of the way for food. After food we had to take some backroads and Jarrod as usual was speeding so of course we got pulled over. (Time 3:00pm) The cop was pretty nice and reduced the ticket to not wearing a seatbelt so that his insurance didn't go up. So we drove some more and were wondering what would happen if we got pulled over again. Would the cop be able to tell you just got pulled over? Well we found out! So were driving down the highway and Jarrod is going so slow semis are passing us. We see a cop and we pass him and he pulls out.(Time 3:40) Were like ha the cop is going to get those speeders! Nope he pulls us over. Jarrod was angry. But why did he pull us over ...No blinker when changing lanes apparently. I Was laughing becasue I thought it was funny. Jarrod did not. However, we only got a warning. So the moral is you can get pulled over twice in one day and the cop won't know you hust got pulled over.

Jan 11, 2008

Random Vacation Footage

Overall the vacation was super fun and educational. I learned that Matt does not look good in a bra, people in Mexico really can't drive, and that the toilet water on the boat is most likely freshwater.

Adventures in the lives of snorkelers

At Disney - the teacups.

They were highly fasinating to me..possibly my favortie ride

The castle

On the crusie
I could not help but put this on here..surely an unforgetable moment...however I did spare you all from the video

Wow amazing a smile out of Eric
We went to Miami ink in search of tattoos. Even Debbie was going to get one.. but we decided against it when the minimum price was $200
Me and some water
I love food
Finally legal