Oct 27, 2007

Fly Boy

So this morning I was supposed to get to sleep in...not exactly what went down... So I woke up at 0615 to what I thought to be an alarm clock but it was so loud and annoying. I loooked around and finally realized the smoke alarm was going off. So we had to leave the room and sit outside in the cold. The fire dept. came and it turns out some idiot was smoking in the hall way.
Isn't he attractive?
Airman Hilarie

At the riverwalk. Jarrod was very cooperative with taking pictures today. He claimed it was painless.

More pictures on the bridge at the riverwalk

In the gazebo in front of the Alamo. Another painless picture.

Inside the Alamo.

Outside the Alamo
After visiting the Alamo we ate an early dinner on the riverwalk at a Mexican restaurant. After we went back to hotel for about four hours then took Jarrod back to the base. I hate having to say good bye to him, it's the worst part of the day :(


Ken said...

Hilarie -

Hey, thanks for letting me know about the blog! The family blogring keeps expanding. Way to go.

Looks like there are a lot of things going on your life! Can't wait to see you, we'll all be there for Thanksgiving.

Did you like San Antonio? I think I would like that city -- dusty and small, but not too small -- but I've never been there.

Uncle Kenny

Joni Scott said...

Hmmph! I am completely offended you comment on Kennys sight and ignore mine! He just has pictures of some little baby and I have puppy pictures!
Anyhow.. now that I *sniff* got that out of my system: it looks like a fun visitto see Jarrod. I miss his hair though. ;-)
P.S:I think it is high time your ma and pa open a blog too.